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[推荐] 投资式管理 [发表于 2006/1/16]
状态 开放帖 精华贴 浏览量 1985   

摘自 清华大学出版社 -----《投资式管理》

Chapter One
From Today To Future

“Managers do not DO the work; they direct people and resources to ACHIEVE results.”

Chapter One第一章
From Today To Future 与时俱进——从今天到未来

It was 10am and I was doing my 12km jog along the scenic seaside with blue skies, blue-green seas, green trees, colorful flowers, birds chirping and sweet floral fragrance. It was a sunny day and I enjoy every minute of the run. There was hardly anyone except for another jogger, a couple and some cleaners.

It is a simple pleasure in life but not many people got to enjoy it. They are either too busy working or managing their work and lives. When I got home, a cleaning staff asked me if I was not working for that day. I replied yes and added that I do not work everyday. She was stunned and explained that I am an investor. She asked how could I afford to live in such an expensive condominium without working.

My short investment lesson number one to her was “Investors do not work for the money, they let their money work for them. Yes, the money is well invested in people who can grow their money. Companies and assets cannot grow money on its own; it is people.”

People need leadership, guidance, motivation, reward and sense of mission in order to achieve peak performance. Managers are therefore needed to think, plan, organize, delegate, monitor, motivate and most important of all – talent scout and groom – people so as to achieve goals and profits. Managers’ principal role is not to DO; they are there to leverage on resources and harmonize people to achieving benefits for the customers, employees, stakeholders and society.

Investors look at the quality of the managers managing the organization before they invest. In short, investors want to know if the management can ACHIEVE results. Investors do not fancy “popular” managers who could not deliver. A case in point would be, Carly Fiorina, CEO of HP. She was charismatic and popular but the board wanted PROFITS. She had to leave and HP had to pay her enormously so that a new CEO can do the job.

Most MBA programs teach managers to “administer” instead of “investing” in people and resources. That is why the degree is called “Masters in Business Administration”. It is fine just to become the “administrator” of a result-achieving organization but most entities need more than that. What is badly needed are managers who can achieve results by making people work effectively with leveraged resources.

Managers do not DO the work; they direct people and resources to ACHIEVE results.

Such responsibilities needed an astute investor mindset and an entrepreneurial behavior to put in some to get MORE out of it. This is the investor DNA. No investors would put in more to get some.

For example, there were three sales representatives whereby Alan brought in 60% of the company’s profits, Ben 30% and Chuck 10%. Ben and Chuck disliked Alan; many staffs envied Alan because he made the most money in the company. Customers love Alan. Ben can do more but he was contented with what he got. Colleagues loved to sing and dance with Ben and Chuck. Chuck is the nephew of the boss and had his way of doing the minimum to get by. The boss is unhappy with Chuck and suggested to the manager to assign him to work on this important deal. As an investor-minded manager, who would you deploy to get that PROFIT?

Possible Answers:
Deploy Alan – highest probability of getting the result.
Deploy - lowest motivation of achieving more
Deploy Chuck – lowest probability of getting the result

Each answer carries a different result. Getting Alan to do has the highest chance of winning but will make many more people unhappy with his huge earnings. Sending Ben would have the lowest motivation and thus the lowest chance of winning. Deploying Chuck would score political points with the boss and could sabotage Chuck’s relationship with his uncle. Managers are always confronted by such people-political entrapment. They spend more time thinking and charting through such minefields but insufficiently on how to get the MOST out of the people and resources.
不同的回答意味着不同的结果。让Alan去做的话,有很大的胜算,但会让更多的人因他能赚大把的钞票而不开心。 安排Ben去做,他的主观能动性低,成功的机率低。分配由Chuck去做迎合了老板的心意,但如果Chuck完成不了任务时,又会弄僵Chuck与叔叔的关系。经理人经常面临着这种办公室人际政治的陷阱。 他们要花时间来思考这种问题,避免办公室人际政治陷阱,就没有精力让员工和资源发挥最大效率。

Investors’ yardstick for success is ROI – Return on investment.
投资者的成功准则是ROI – Return on investment,即投资回报率。

By sending either Alan, Ben or Chuck, the investment is about the same but the returns are very different. Alan gives the investor the biggest bang for the buck. Alan can increase another 50% of the company’s total profits.
不管是分配Alan, Ben 或是Chuck来做,投入是一样的,但回报却大不相同。Alan能为投资者带来丰厚收益,能让公司利润总额增长50%。

The investor-mode of management will become more intense with the advent of competition, more professionalism and transparent corporate governance. Managers cannot hide and not accountable for their responsibility. Investors and stakeholders will measure the returns managers’ achieve. It is no longer good enough to just administer; to be great, managers must invest their resources for greater returns. The managers job is not about doing; it is growing and multiplying the stakeholders and employees wealth.

How to identify and plan for a profitable future?

Managers need to look ahead and identify where that “rainbow” would be in the future. No one is going to work with you when they do not know what their future would be like. As investors, we study and invest in emerging or sunrise industries and systematically reduce and exit from sunset industries. Managers need to guide their organizations to do likewise. Many managers work themselves into the valley of death. They got retrenched and out of jobs, as they were the ones responsible for their company’s death.

A manager in a building contractor firm saw the decline in their industry and suggested to the company to switch from constructing homes to building “food courts” using their same capabilities. The company discovered that there was more money to be made in running the food courts instead of just building them. They studied and recruited experienced managers to run the business. Had the contractor continued with their business in the sunset industry, they would close shop like many other contractors. Instead, they are now enjoying the cash and profits in an emerging industry.

Managers should not be so engrossed in their daily operations without lifting their heads to look at macro environmental developments around them. Managers must learn to have a keen sense of growth opportunities and set up feelers for changes that can hinder or harm current operations. Having the radar system without clear and specific executions will also result in losses. The December 26 Tsunami is a classic example. Lives, dreams and assets can be protected if only timely response actions were taken.

All of us are definitely going to the future of fame and fortune. Whether you are taking the bicycle, bus, train, ship or plane, we are all heading towards that direction. Those of us who are taking the plane would get there quicker and happier. The real question to the manager is “What are doing to prepare your people to get there faster and easier?”

Many firms know the opportunities and even had action agendas to work on but the people have neither the tools nor the skills to seize the opportunity. To make horses run fast, they need to be fed with grass. Managers need to secure the new tools and train the people with new skills to take on the new journey. All these called for great investments in time, money, effort and most of all, peoples’ belief. They want to know for so much they put in, what would they get in return. It is the managers’ role to show the costs and benefits and also the costs and damages for not doing. This is investment analysis.

>>> 由论坛统一发布的广告:
楼主 美女约,不在线,有人找我吗?tupwk

职务 无
军衔 三等兵
来自 辽宁
发帖 39篇
注册 2005/9/1
PM币 296
经验 50点

Re:[推荐] 投资式管理 [回复于 2006/1/16]
How to stay relevant and creative to stay on top?

Things are never the same but our human needs remain the same. This is a perennial investment opportunity. The need to be entertained exist all these while but the way to be entertained changes over time. During my time, a portable walkman would made my day. Today, I use a tiny MP3 player, compressed hundreds of my favorite songs into it. It made us throw away our old stuff and spent large sums of money on the new stuff to satisfy the same old need.

The managers’ challenge is to help the team to stay relevant and be creative to create “happenings”. Managers must not allow happenings to destroy their organizations; they must develop new stuff, new ways and new ideas, to seize opportunities and create the changes that will put the company in an advantageous position. This is the only way to enhance our investments. If you can make more money with MP3 players, why are still struggling with the old portable cassette player?

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit 2005 report, it was reported that one of the top three risks is that companies are not innovative enough. It stated that great companies stay innovative all the time. For companies to prosper, managers must invest in creative ideas, products, services, concepts and a system that makes people churn out profitable innovations.

Being creative is not something for mad people or geniuses. All people can be creative as long as they can observe old problems lurking around us and then start thinking aloud of ways to solve them. Managers should offer their colleagues, suppliers, stakeholders and most important of all customers the opportunity and reward to suggest “newness” to the company’s products, services, systems, procedures, business processes, and money-making ways.

Investors like to have plenty of options to choose from when they invest. Similarly, the manager must have many new suggestions to choose from and decide using their well-defined investment criteria – the idea with lowest cost and risks and with the highest returns.
What are you doing to get more creative ideas to perfect your choice?

How to create opportunities for all to earn more?

The starting point to allow people around you to earn more is to appreciate and deploy their competence and influence. No smart manager would ask a brilliant scientist, who hates selling, to sell the company’s inventions. Being the best in the lab may not necessary mean being good in the market. Human beings have their strengths and their other points. When the scientist does his best, he earns more. Similarly, when the production operators do their best, they earn more too.

When people realize that they can earn more, be it money, recognition or satisfaction, they invest more of their dedication. This way, all parties gain. Think for a moment and ask why is it that there are so many bosses complaining that their people are “bad workers”. Is there something wrong with the workers or the bosses?
当员工认识到他们能获取更多诸如金钱、认同感和满足感时,他们的奉献也越多。这样就能实现共赢。 想一想,问一问为什么有那么多老板抱怨他们的员工不尽职尽责,这是员工的错还是老板的错呢?

I learnt my lesson during my time as a manager. When the people I deployed cannot perform and deliver the results, I was fully responsible because I was the one who selected and put the person to tackle the tasks. I was wrong because the inappropriate person was chosen; I did not provide them with the skills and tools to get the results. All these caused the person to fail and as a result, earn less. I chose wrongly; neglected to amass the resources needed and worst of all, did not monitor and motivate the person.

If managers sincerely want their people to earn more, first know them thoroughly as an individual, their strengths, motivations and dreams; placed them in teams or situations that their strengths can become profitable contributions; amass and leverage on resources so that they have the tools and support to do their jobs well; keep monitoring and coaching them to achieve MORE. This system will allow people to earn more money, recognition, satisfaction and happiness.
What systems do you have to help people to earn MORE?

How to help your staff achieve their dreams and goals?

I was delivering a speech at the Ping An Insurance Achievers Congress in Beijing in 2003. I shared with them that we as human beings do what we do because each one of us has a dream. It is this reason that drives many people to peak performance, fame and fortune.

My dream is to have one school in every province of China where people can learn to become wealthy. In my dream, the school is not one where you learn, graduate and then work for people. My dream school is one that allows people to learn from successful people, never graduate and then have many businesses that give many people opportunities to earn MORE. This is the reason why I am working so hard to acquire more schools in China.

Some people may first misunderstand me as a money-grabber. This is not about more money and me. It is about money for the people who need it the most. Frankly, I do not need that much money but there are many poor people out there who need to learn to get out of their poverty. Yes they can become wealthy when they learn the techniques and mix with the right learners.

So I asked these top achievers to share with their colleagues their dreams. One female agent shared that she wanted to make RMB$5 million within five years. I replied that is not a dream but simply a short-term goal. She stressed that it is her dream. She emphasized that many people in China dare not even dream of this and felt proud she got the guts to dream and talk about it in public. She went on to say how her “dream” propels her to her current standing in the company. She received a standing applause from the fellow achievers. This is her internal driving force that is making her perform miracles.

I went on to tease her. I asked “If I can help you to achieve your dream within two years instead of five years, what would you DO for me?” She replied instantly “Anything!” The audience was laughing away. I reminded her that I am a man and she may not realize what she was getting into. We got more laughter from the audience. She stand up and said “This is the price I am willing to pay to achieve my dream. It is small compared to the sufferings my family had to endure without this wealth.” She got a standing ovation.

To help people to achieve their dreams and goals, managers first have to probe deeply into what is behind that dream – that is – what exactly is that internal driving force. We can talk about many “dreams” as they may simply be figments of our imaginations. Managers need to get to the root reason for that dream or goal. With that, the dream can continue to glow in the mind and set off the energy and dedication to go all out to make it come true.

Once a manager has the reputation of making dreams come true, there will be people longing to work with you. Conversely, if a manager has a reputation of retrenching people, tearing people apart, killing dreams and achieving little, talents with dreams will be attracted to “dream maker” managers.

Do you make dreams come true? Or do you give people nightmares? To make people stretch and do MORE, help them to realize their dreams and goals. Do not impose your profit objectives or goals onto people; find people who already have dreams and give them the opportunity to prove themselves.
What are you doing to help your people to realize their dreams?


1. What did you realize from this chapter “From Today To The Future”?
2. What are you doing to help people get the MOST out of themselves?
3. What are you doing to identify a more profitable future?
4. What are you doing to get more creative ideas to perfect your choice?
5. What systems do you have to help people to earn MORE?
6. What are you doing to help your people to realize their dreams?
7. What specific actions will you take and when?
8. How will you monitor your progress?

思 考

1. 学习完本章“与时俱进”,您学到了什么?
2. 如何帮助员工更好地发挥自己?
3. 怎样识加出更有利的未来?
4. 如何为获取创意,完善选择?
5. 您有何体系,帮助您的员工更多获益?
6. 如何帮助员工实现他们的梦想?
7. 您将采取什么样的具体行动,什么时候采取?
8. 如何监控进展?

1楼 美女约,不在线,有人找我吗?tupwk

职务 无
军衔 三等兵
来自 辽宁
发帖 39篇
注册 2005/9/1
PM币 296
经验 50点

Re:[推荐] 投资式管理 [回复于 2006/1/17]
2楼 帅哥约,不在线,有人找我吗?elvis

职务 无
军衔 少将
来自 北京市
发帖 2441篇
注册 2004/7/14
PM币 8183
经验 3356点

Re:[推荐] 投资式管理 [回复于 2006/1/18]
3楼 帅哥约,不在线,有人找我吗?shengluoywb

职务 无
军衔 一等兵
来自 福建
发帖 50篇
注册 2005/12/26
PM币 254
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Re:[推荐] 投资式管理 [回复于 2006/1/18]
4楼 帅哥约,不在线,有人找我吗?冰山

职务 无
军衔 二等兵
来自 不告诉你 :)
发帖 48篇
注册 2003/3/9
PM币 342
经验 71点

Re:[推荐] 投资式管理 [回复于 2006/1/18]
很棒!请继续Chapter2 谢谢!^_^
5楼 美女约,不在线,有人找我吗?yyy913

职务 无
军衔 上士
来自 天津
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注册 2005/2/21
PM币 2355
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