






怎样抓住你的职场机会?2006/7/7 22:11:00









CAREER PROS: Don't Leave Luck to Chance


By Carole Kanchier

While waiting in line for the shuttle to take me to my book signing at the International Book Fair in Chicago, I initiated a conversation with two men standing behind me; one was the editor-in-chief of a large Japanese publishing house. Armed with work samples and feeling confident and adventurous, I suggested that Japan might be ready for the ideas presented in my book, Dare to Change Your Job - And Your Life.

After the event, I was again waiting in the shuttle line to return to my hotel when I noticed the Japanese men were directly behind me - reading my book. "Tenshoku-ryoko" (the Japanese edition) was launched nine months later.

Was this luck? Coincidence? Destiny?

What does luck mean to you? Luck is often referred to as coincidence, timing, serendipity, synchronicity, or good fortune as a result of chance. It's an unexpected reconfiguration of events, or good things that happen in surprising ways.

Louis Pasteur said, "Chance favors the prepared mind." A myriad of opportunities won't help unless you're prepared to use them. Luck occurs when preparation meets opportunity.

I was in the right place at the right time. But I also created my luck. I seized the opportunity when it was presented.

Do you create your own luck in the career advancement game? Do you know people who appear to be more fortunate than others? What do they do or say about their good fortune?

Although you can't always control luck, you can influence luck by working hard and taking advantage of good fortune. Here are some ways to control or design your own luck:

Develop luck-facilitating attitudes and strategies. Although you can't control the outcome of events, you can control your attitudes and beliefs. Welcome the unplanned and unexpected. Become more flexible and open to new experiences.

Review the fortunate experiences you've had over the past five years, and note when you've had luck. List people, circumstances and resources that may have influenced your luck. Talk to others about their luck, and identify what they did to enhance it. List three strategies that appeared to facilitate luck best.

Track the improvements in your luck strategies. Develop a success journal. Write down your successes weekly. Note the role luck played in achieving them and the strategies you used to influence your luck.

Recognize opportunities and take advantage of them. Perceive patterns and make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas, objects or events. View commonplace things in new ways. Take advantage of unexpected good fortune. Don't procrastinate. The window of opportunity may not last long.

Take risks. Every new venture has an element of risk. You can't grow and succeed without stretching, risking. Explore new opportunities. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Ask yourself, "What's the worst thing that could happen?"

Decide whether you could live with the worst scenario, or take steps to reduce the chance of it happening.

Look upon something new, different, or unknown as exciting - an opportunity to challenge yourself and to grow. If you don't try, how will you ever find out if you can do it?

Set goals and develop an action plan. Break the goal down into small steps. Every day do at least one activity related to achieving it. Know resources that can help you attain your goal. Work hard. Focus. Anticipate luck.

Build networks. The opportunities to create chance are greater with a strong network of contacts and resources. Network whether you're employed or unemployed. Form links with others to exchange ideas, information, connection and encouragement. Become active and visible. Ask for needed help.

Attend professional meetings. Advise others of your goals. Plan to meet at least two new people at each new meeting. Take the initiative. Follow up and show appreciation for help and contacts.

Challenge assumptions. Examine your belief system. Question why things are done certain ways. Challenge conventional truths and the status quo. Seek new alternatives in developing problem resolutions.

Use luck to enhance your career development. Prepare for and welcome the unexpected. Recognize opportunities that might have eluded you previously. Believe in your ability to create luck.

Re:怎样抓住你的职场机会?2006/7/9 11:40:00


