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Five Bases of Social Power——五种社会权力基础
lyhpmp 发表于 2008/4/25 23:03:00

PMP考试会涉及到五种权力类型,但在相关的中文参考书中,对Referent Power的解释和理解差异很大。

有的书上是这样写的:Referent Power,即指示权力,它是借用一个权力更大的人的职权来增强自己的权力。

也有的书上是这样写的:Referent Power,即潜示权力,它是由于涉及一个权力更大的人而带来的权力。

还有的书上是这样写的:Referent Power,即仗势权力,是指从更加有权势的人员那里获得的权力,比如项目经理可以把CEO搬出来,并且经常向大家展示项目发起人签署的项目章程。

还有的书上是这样写的:Referent Power,即参照性权力,是指项目经理个人的性格魅力,可以作为其他人的榜样。


Social psychologists French and Raven, in a now-classic study (1959), developed a schema of five categories of power which reflected the different bases or resources that power holders rely upon. One additional base (informational) was later added.


Legitimate Power
Legitimate Power refers to power of an individual because of the relative position and duties of the holder of the position within an organization. Legitimate Power is formal authority delegated to the holder of the position. It is usually accompanied by various attributes of power such as uniforms, offices etc. This is the most obvious and also the most important kind of power.



Referent Power
Referent Power means the power or ability of individuals to attract others and build loyalty. It's based on the charisma and interpersonal skills of the power holder. Here the person under power desires to identify with these personal qualities, and gains satisfaction from being an accepted follower. Nationalism or Patriotism counts towards an intangible sort of referent power as well. For example, soldiers fight in wars to defend the honor of the country. This is the second least obvious power, but the most effective.



Expert Power
Expert Power is an individual's power deriving from the skills or expertise of the person and the organization's needs for those skills and expertise. Unlike the others, this type of power is usually highly specific and limited to the particular area in which the expert is trained and qualified.



This type of power is further broken down later on as Information Power.

Information Power
While the difference between expert power and information power is subtle, people with this type of power are well-informed, up-to-date and also have the ability to persuade others. Another difference would be that people with Expert Power are perceived by his/her image of expertise to show credibility (i.e. a qualified doctor in a doctor uniform), while one with Information Power does not have a strict need to 'look the part of a professional', but they must keep up to date with new research, and have confidence in debating, or are persuasive.



专家权力和信息权力之间的差异非常微小, 拥有这种权力的人消息灵通,掌握最新资讯,并且具备说服他人的能力。另一个差别就是拥有专家权力的人能够通过他/她的专家形象来显示可信度(比如,具备资格的医生会穿着医生制服),从而被认为拥有专家权力;而拥有信息权力的人没有严格要求“看起来比较专业”,但是他们必须保持对最新研究的经常更新,并且具备争辩的自信或者具备说服能力。

Reward Power
Reward Power depends upon the ability of the power wielder to confer valued material rewards, it refers to the degree to which the individual can give others a reward of some kind such as benefits, time off, desired gifts, promotions or increases in pay or responsibility. This power is obvious but also ineffective if abused. People who abuse reward power can become pushy or became reprimanded for being too forthcoming or 'moving things too quickly'.



Coercive Power
Coercive Power means the application of negative influences onto employees. It might refer to the ability to demote or to withhold other rewards. It's the desire for valued rewards or the fear of having them withheld that ensures the obedience of those under power. Coercive Power tends to be the most obvious but least effective form of power as it builds resentment and resistance within the targets of Coercive Power.



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