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wesleyj 发表于 2006/3/27 16:20:00

认真学英语哦, 可惜底子薄,只能从单词开始:

1. accuse: 控告,谴责

         The lawyer accused the suspect of lying.

2. activist: 激进分子,行动主义分子

         The activist worked hard to change the law.

3. administration:

         The new administration starts work in January.

4. admit

        He admitted that what he did was wrong.

5. adult

        Only an adult can sign the document.

6. against

        He agreed to most of the plan, but was against starting it now.

7. agency:代理处,中介

       UNICEF is an agency of the United Nations.

8. aggression:进攻,侵略

       The surpise attack was an act of aggression.

       The country committed aggression when it crossed the border of the other country.

9. agriculture

       John studied agriculture because he wanted to be a farmer.

10. aid:帮助

       Did you give money to aid the Democratic of the Republican candidate?

       Congress voted to provide aid to the flood victims.

11. air force

       The air force wants more airplanes and missiles.

12. album:集邮本

       He recorded the song from an old record album.

13. alcohol:

      The man fell because he drank too much alcohol.

14.  ally:结盟.

       Britain is a military ally of the United States.

